A Blog by Antonia Jackson
My name is Antonia Jackson and I will shortly be the new Headteacher at Quorn Hall School. I will be replacing Caroline Bell, the interim Headteacher, as of January 2021. I thought it would be nice to formally introduce myself and tell you a little about my experience and why I have chosen to work at Quorn Hall School.
I have been involved in both primary and secondary education for the past nineteen years, and during my career I have undertaken a number of roles in both mainstream, resourced provision, alternative provision and special schools, ranging from teacher to my current post as Headteacher. My subject specialism is physical education although I started working with children with special educational needs (SEN) and disability ten years ago. In order to ensure that I could help these children I undertook the national award for SEN coordination, and in fact went on to complete a Masters in SEN (enabling learning), specialising in girls with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and mental health needs. I have also completed my qualification in educational testing and access arrangements so that I can further support those young people that require any additional help in their exams.
I have been part of a senior leadership team for the past ten years and have led staff across a variety of settings to support children with a full range of academic abilities and complex SEN. I have been Headteacher at an outstanding primary school for children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties and an alternative provision. I am absolutely steadfast in my belief that children have the right to the best possible education. This involves working with parents/carers and professionals to ensure young people have access to the correct curriculum, interventions and appropriate support to overcome challenges in their lives that make learning difficult
I am particularly attracted to working at Quorn Hall School as it is an inclusive school that supports the needs of the individual student. Upon researching the position it is clear that the staff really care about the students and are resolute in helping them overcome barriers to accessing education and making progress. I am also particularly excited to be working with Cavendish Education as their ethos is that all children have the right to the highest quality education, irrespective of individual needs or circumstances.
I would normally host a coffee morning to give you a chance to meet me in person, however this is currently not possible. I will be in touch in January to organise a virtual meeting as the relationship between the school and parents/carers is imperative. I thoroughly welcome your input into your child’s education.
I hope you and your family have a restful Christmas and I look forward to working with you in the New Year.
Yours Sincerely, Antonia Jackson