Careers ​
At Quorn Hall School we are passionate about ensuring our young people have the information and skills to be able to make informed choices about their future. We support pupils in making well-informed decisions by providing access to differentiated, impartial and independent information and guidance about the range of options, including academic, vocational, apprenticeships, that are most likely to help them to achieve their aspirations.
Our school Careers Lead is:
Georgia Howard
01509 414338
At Quorn Hall School we aim to;
• Prepare students for the transition to life beyond secondary school (higher education and the world of work);
• Support students in making informed decisions which are suitable and ambitious for them;
• Provide students with well-rounded experiences;
• Develop characteristics e.g. social skills, communication, innovation, resilience and leadership which support high achieving students in the curriculum and in their careers;
• Inspire and motivate students to develop their aspirations.
Careers programme
Within our curriculum, we have timetabled careers lessons for pupils in years 7 to 11. Throughout the school, from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4, Personal Social Development and careers-based topics are covered in Learning for Life lessons. There will also be careers based activities throughout the year during tutor time, careers days and whole school assemblies.
As part of our Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) provision, all year 8 to year 11 pupils receive input from external and unbiased advisors, from group guidance at KS3 to 1:1 interviews and action plans at KS4. In KS4 pupils are encouraged to access work experience in the local area, which is supported by school staff to ensure maximum safety at all times. Please follow this link to see our Careers Programme.
Measuring impact
We measure the school’s progress via the Gatsby Benchmarks. This allows for regular monitoring and implementation of good practice. The school will assess the impact of its careers programme on students by completing an annual student survey and analysing destination data in line with activities that they have undertaken within the school. In addition, the views of students and parents will be surveyed after key events.
FE/Training provider access
Quorn Hall School believes in giving FE, HE and training providers the opportunity to talk to pupils at the school and would welcome any employer to take part in our innovative and outstanding community. Please use the following link to read more in our full Careers Policy or contact us at contact@quornhallschool.com
What is the Labour Market Index?
The Labour Market Index (LMI), also known as the Job Market, refers to supply and demand for labour. This is where employees/workers provide the supply and the employers/companies provide the demand.
If you would like to speak to a member of staff for more information on the Labour Market Index or careers, please view the Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership website on:
You can also compare future job options using the Careerometer on this link:
Please see the website in the link and the documents below for the latest apprenticeships in and around Leicestershire.
Leicester Employment Hub - Apprenticeships
For more information about apprenticeships, please visit https://www.apprenticeships.gov.uk/
LifeSkills, created with Barclays, helps young people get the skills and experiences they need to enter the world of work. Support for Young People, Educators and Parents,
Additional websites and resources
National Careers Service
Provides careers information, advice and guidance. Helping you to make decisions on learning, training and work at all stages in your career.
Real-life career videos, advice and information to inspire your career. See which subject choices and jobs suit you by taking their Buzz Quiz.
When you have an idea of the type of career you want, do some research to discover the skills that are needed to fulfil that job. The Prospects website has a list of many different job profiles and includes information on the skills required to fulfil that role
Barclays LifeSkills
LifeSkills, created with Barclays, helps young people get the skills and experiences they need to enter the world of work. Support for Young People, Educators and Parents,
For more information about higher education please visit https://www.ucas.com/
If you would like to send us any feedback please download this feedback form and email to georgia.howard@quornhallschool.com - we value your input.