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Humanities is a flexible and personalised subject enabling our pupils to acquire knowledge and understanding with skills in:













All units within the subjects have a credit value attached to them. This is based on the teaching time of each unit. Each pupil can build up credits by following each unit and fulfilling the assessment criteria.


The credit values for each unit completed can then be added together to achieve one of three end results:


  1. Award - 8-12 credits

  2. Certificates 13 - 36 credits

  3. Diploma 37+ credits.


All Pathways to Humanities units are delivered at either Entry Level 2 or Entry Level 3.


The learning outcome and content of each unit are the same. The difference is that the assessment criteria at the end of each unit is different.


The demands of units at Entry Level 3 are more challenging than those at Entry 2. Each year groups have the opportunity to attain credits in History, Geography, Religious studies and French within the subject.


Some of the units covered across the year groups include:​


  • Religious studies

  • History

  • Geography

  • Citizenship 

  • French

  • Introducing yourself, family and friends in French

  • Religious Festivals and celebrations

  • Prejudice and discrimination against people

  • People and protest

  • Historical change over time

  • Changing trends in tourism

  • The effects of consumerism

  • Climate change: Cause, effects and human responses.

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