At Quorn Hall, 'Running Club' happens every Wednesday afternoon. Each week, up to twenty students and five members of staff set off for a run.
Running Club started in school when Charlotte, a Year 10 student, began running around the field with Mr Wright, our Premises Officer.
Charlotte started the club as part of her Sports Leaders Award but it has taught her more than just leadership skills. With the support of Mr Wright and Ms Jackson, Headteacher, Charlotte says that members have learnt how to run properly.
Charlotte also says that Mr Wright taught her about wearing proper shoes for running and this means her feet have stayed nice and comfortable. With sensible shoes and students for company, Running Club has gone from strength to strength.
Students have now started running to the local Quorn Football Club where they can run around the pitch accompanied by motivational music.
Charlotte, who helped to found the club says “Running Club is great because it helps you to make friends”.
When asked if she could sum up Running Club in one word, Charlotte said “fun”.